Daily Mail
Baby mama drama
I’m going to be taking a blogging break for about a week and will be disabling comments later this evening. In the meantime, I thought I would leave you with… read more
Connecting the pathological fear of husbands having power with the peter pan manboy syndrome.
In a recent series of posts The Social Pathologist relays his professional observations regarding the differences in the men and women he treats in his medical practice. In Hypergamic Affirmative Action,… read more
She’s the victim
Commenter Feminist Hater posted a link to a recent Daily Mail article: Half of women delay starting a family because they don’t want to give up their freedom. What struck… read more
Choice addiction poster child
Back in April commenter PB was kind enough to bring the following Daily Mail article to my attention: I dated 50 men in six months (and STILL didn’t find love). … read more
Men behaving badly, or speaking ill of the dead?
With all of the hand wringing about the lack of an official women and children first policy on the wrecked Costa Concordia, one would think that the ordinary men on… read more
Why wasn’t it women and children first?
Shortly after the sinking of the Costa Concordia we started having a low level grumble in the media about the failure to implement a “women and children first” evacuation policy. … read more
She doesn’t need a man!
As regular readers already know, the Daily Mail is a tabloid paper in the UK targeted largely to women. They have a specific subsection for women called the Femail. Feminists… read more
Feminist nostalgia for traditional gender roles.
After writing my last post on Cord Ivanyi teaching boys chivalry I found a story on the same topic by ABC News. It had a hilarious quote by the acting… read more
Women today assume they can have marriage merely for the taking
In the discussion on my post Thoughts on the future of marriage, Ricardo di Matteo shared a link to an article on the Daily Mail: I’m childless because I… read more
The plankton generation
Oz Conservative has an excellent post up titled Struggling in a wilderness: Who is the Plankton? She is a woman pushing 50 who decided to divorce her husband a few… read more
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