Daily Mail
China’s ghost cities
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. –John Maynard Keynes Note: I’m very busy right now but should have a more substantial/on topic post up later in… read more
Trapped in a not unhappy marriage!
A new spectre is haunting marriage. Just when you thought you understood all of the diabolical ways women could be trapped in marriage, we learn of the most insidious trap… read more
The truth vs the hype: UK divorce rate data by age per 1,000 married women
I’m pretty well done with this topic, at least for now. However I did find the data I was looking for in the UK in my previous post on how… read more
Boring loyal dudes
I will work harder! –Boxer, Animal Farm The breathless Daily Mail headline asks: The 40-year itch: Divorce is falling in every age group except the over-60s – so why ARE… read more
The Duchess of Post Marital Spinsterhood
The Daily Mail published an absolutely scathing piece on Sarah Ferguson a few weeks ago. I was doubly surprised on reading this because not only is she royalty, but a… read more
Divorcée Retirement
Click to see If you are a regular reader of this blog you already know that our culture is obsessed with selling divorce to women. Of course, those selling divorce… read more
Reverse cuckoldry and court ordered allowances for adults living with their parents.
Captain Capitalism linked earlier this week to an infuriating story in the daily mail. The astonishing story begins in 1999 when the man was about to have drug treatment for… read more
You can’t make this stuff up.
Selling divorce? Check. Eat Pray Love nonsense? Check. Female Martyrdom? Check. Aging Post Marital Spinster? Check. Ex husband who ended up better off? Check. Photos fit for a geriatric performance… read more
A post-marital spinster’s rationalization hamster in the final stages of exhaustion.
What Men Are Saying About Women has a post about aging feminist Liz Jones and her poor me piece last December in the Daily Mail: Wish me a lonely Christmas… read more
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