De Amore
How to woo a peasant woman.
With Valentines Day fast approaching I thought I’d offer a refresher on the manners of chivalry. As before we turn to De Amore (1184-86), a poem with a list of… read more
Chivalry Game: How to negotiate desire.
What we commonly know as chivalry and what literary scholars call courtly love has two aspects. One is a religious/moral philosophy, and the other is a method of seduction (game). … read more
The chivalric rules of love.
French poets, in the eleventh century, discovered or invented, or were the first to express, that romantic species of passion which English poets were still writing about in the nineteenth…. read more
Call me unchivalrous.
After due consideration I have decided to adopt the label unchivalrous Christian. The label is more accurate than anti-feminist Christian, or traditional Christian, because antifeminist and traditional Christians almost always… read more
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