Death of courtship
Stripmining can be dangerous.
From She thought she had a date. Then he suggested going to a spa As it turned out, Alan was a sales agent, employed by a company to beguile unsuspecting… read more
Taking things too far.
What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists. This seems to be an artifact… read more
Call me unchivalrous.
After due consideration I have decided to adopt the label unchivalrous Christian. The label is more accurate than anti-feminist Christian, or traditional Christian, because antifeminist and traditional Christians almost always… read more
Now we are haggling about the price.
The Washington Post has an opinion piece up by a law professor named Irina D. Manta. The title of the piece is The case for cracking down on Tinder lies,… read more
You’ll have to buy a few dinners on the road to finding your 53 year old dream girl.
As 53 year old never married Wendy Griffith explains in her book on how to find a husband, it is important for women to only date men who are willing… read more
Kids these days
Several readers pointed out the anachronism in the Stanton quote I included in my last post: Ask any young woman how she vets all the nice young men who approach… read more
When “traditional” means socially awkward.
As I’ve covered in recent posts*, Focus on the Family (FotF) teaches that in order for men and women to marry men must first approach women and boldly state their… read more
Feminine wiles
Commenter Joe describes how his wife used her feminine wiles to get his attention 32 years ago: [I went] to a singles class thinking that I’d find a girl to… read more
Empowered to avoid responsibility.
In her book The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage with Purpose, Lisa Anderson explains why she didn’t start considering marriage until she was 30. As she recognizes (to a… read more
Returning to a past that never was.
The problem with conservationism is that it isn’t rooted in anything real, anything solid. This leaves conservatives grasping for anything they can claim as “traditional” in opposition to the current… read more
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