Death of courtship
Don’t play hard to get.
Robert Stacy McCain gets close, but misses the fact that women’s sexual impulses are no more naturally “pure” than men’s sexual impulses. What feminist ideology tells young women they should… read more
Ms. Chivalry
Ying Ma bemoans the loss of chivalry in Men Who Don’t Pay (H/T Instapundit): We live in a society where lots of men do not pay. Not only do they… read more
She isn’t getting enough dates.
Eddie Kaufholz at Relevant Magazine has an article on an old standby topic, Why Don’t the Guys in my Church Ask Women on Dates? (H/T Robert Yates). Relevant reader Erica kicks off… read more
Continuing the conversation.
The previous post at Courtship Pledge garnered an excellent discussion with 139 (and counting) comments. Donal Graeme furthers the conversation with his guest post: Getting the Ball Rolling: Networking read more
Rebuilding what is forgotten.
Scott with Courtship Pledge was kind enough to take up a question of mine in his post: How to send the right signal to the red-pill guys in church? I’ve… read more
Too busy planning for retirement to find a husband.
She may have waited a bit too long… Edit: The youtube version of the commercial seems to be gone, but you can still see the add on ispot. read more
Dude, where’s my courtship?
She’s still her same fabulous self, but the edgy and exciting men are no longer magically appearing to take her out. Clearly this is Amazon.com’s fault. Do you know any… read more
Rationalizing sluttery as a path to marriage.
Meet Kristina from Rolling Stone’s Tales From the Millennials’ Sexual Revolution: …she doesn’t want to date; she wants to have sex, which thanks to the fact that she is cute and… read more
Mysterious forces at work.
Beth writes The Frisky’s Ask a Married Guy wondering what is wrong with men? Why are they afraid to commit? I am an attractive writer, divorced for almost four years…. read more
Cane drives it home.
Check out Cane Caldo’s excellent post on the topic of young women finding a husband. Neither Saved Nor Spent, But Invested read more
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