Death of courtship
She needs more men!
Badger writes about a woman at a dinner party who recently tried to enlist him in her friend’s quest to keep her dating hopper filled with new men: “Do you… read more
Women’s sacred path to marriage is in danger.
Women crave the commitment of lifelong marriage and will naturally seek it out and hold their marriages together so long as they aren’t tricked into marrying the wrong man. Young… read more
Dr. Phil enforcing the feminine imperative.
Now that almost all Christians have abandoned the Biblical frame of sexual morality nearly everyone has unknowingly filled the void with what Rollo calls the feminine imperative. The new rules… read more
Men no longer footing the bill to court older women.
There are many ways the feminist dream can turn into a nightmare. Most of them involve flawed assumptions that men won’t ever adjust to women changing the rules. The Telegraph… read more
The boyfriend invention
When people consider the sexual revolution over the last 100 to 150 years, the invention of the concept of “boyfriend” tends to be discounted. Other milestones tend to be given… read more
Choice addiction poster child
Back in April commenter PB was kind enough to bring the following Daily Mail article to my attention: I dated 50 men in six months (and STILL didn’t find love). … read more
Women should reduce their expectations of courtship.
I originally posted this as a comment in the excellent discussion at CMD-N’s latest post Courting and the Evangelical American Princess. Van Rooineck warned women of the unintended consequences of… read more
87 first dates.
Susan Walsh of Hooking Up Smart took a high volume of aimed fire in the comments section of my post All the lonely feminist spinsters. I’m still working on my take… read more
The endless courtship fantasy.
Commenter Desiderius pointed out a very common movie theme in the comments to my post Do women want to get married: If I’m the only one seeing this phenomenon, why… read more
SMP searching costs and the unmourned death of courtship.
That’s why guys get married, so they can stop wooing. It’s exhausting to woo, you woo, you woo, and you woo, and then you’ve got to go: Whoa! –Paul Reiser,… read more
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