Death of courtship
When judging the performance goes wrong
Badger had several excellent posts last week about a woman named Alyssa Bereznak who very publicly shredded her OKCupid date (Jon Finkel) on the blog Gizmodo. Check out Badger’s posts… read more
More judging the performance.
While checking out search engine results for Single in the Suburbs, I came across an interesting blog by the same name. The first post I saw was (at the time)… read more
Romance as a form of male investment.
Ever since I coined the term, I’ve been on the lookout for others who might be using the term post marital spinsterhood or any variants. It strikes me as a… read more
Judging the performance.
One of the things which strikes me when reading women’s accounts of dating is how completely unaware some of them are that they are a participant on a date and… read more
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