Fathers [sometimes] matter!
A reader recently asked if I’ve moved away from my prediction in More ominous than a strike that we will eventually see some dialing back of the worst excesses of… read more
How to become woman of the year.
Marry the man other women wish they could marry. But rather than focus on Amal’s successful career as a human rights lawyer, the TV host said she had been given… read more
Celebrating divorce by denying its existence.
At first glance it may seem strange that feminists like Claire Cain Miller and Justin Wolfers would go to such lengths to convince the public that high divorce rates are a thing… read more
Doubling down
Commenter adam pointed out that I am not alone in challenging Claire Cain Miller’s NY Times article on divorce. Professor Steven Ruggles of the University of Minnesota has likewise refuted Miller’s claim that… read more
NY Times Happy Talk About Divorce
The NY Times has a new article complaining that people still think divorce is a problem (H/T Rollo Tomassi): The Divorce Surge Is Over, but the Myth Lives On But here… read more
Breasts can’t be sexual if there is a baby in the picture.
Facebook has received quite a bit of criticism the last few years over their policy on pictures involving breastfeeding. I’m not a fan of either Facebook or Zuckerberg, but there… read more
It’s hard on her, but not on her kids.
YourTango has a post titled 11 Things Single Parents Don’t Want To Hear. Note the euphemism “single parent” when what they really mean is “single mother”. The stigma against single mothers… read more
If it was a snake, it would have bitten them.
CNN Money has a new article up claiming that men with children magically earn more than childless men (H/T Sunshine Mary): It pays to be a dad Dads had a… read more
Selling sin.
Recently a self described conservative Christian mother of 5 came to scold me for criticizing the Christian Broadcasting Network’s endorsement of actress Janine Turner’s book praising single mothers: I encountered your blog… read more
Fewer men are working, and marriage is dying.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has the following handy chart showing the long decline in men’s employment in the US (shaded areas represent recessions): During this same time period… read more
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