Is marriage just a piece of paper?
Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage. See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more
Why are modern Christians so delighted with current divorce rates?
There is an article from the Christian Post making the rounds which has modern Christians giddy: Author Debunks Myths About Divorce Rates, Including of Churchgoers. The article and the book… read more
Blind spot
Note: I greatly appreciate the work the National Marriage Project is doing, especially in putting out easy to read and meaningful data in their State Of Our Unions reports. In addition,… read more
From the UK based The Marriage Foundation publication Divorce rates have halved for new brides. Why?: Because it is almost entirely the reduction of wife-granted divorces concentrated into the early years of… read more
Why isn’t Carl good enough?
I’ve joked in the past that it can be impossible to tell the difference between Traditional Conservatives and Feminists, but a Slate DoubleX article on women deliberately choosing single motherhood quoted by Steve… read more
Denying the existence of feminism.
Women want to marry and have daddies for their babies. But if they can’t find good men to commit themselves to, well… Our most pressing social problem today is a… read more
Mysterious forces at work.
Beth writes The Frisky’s Ask a Married Guy wondering what is wrong with men? Why are they afraid to commit? I am an attractive writer, divorced for almost four years…. read more
How Christians can take credit for Game.
In a recent exchange at Zippy Catholic, Alte and Elspeth discussed the controversy over teaching Christian husbands “Game” (emphasis mine): Elspeth: When my husband “negs” me, or any of the… read more
More ominous than a strike.
Dr. Helen has a thoughtful post up asking if the title of her book is an accurate description of men’s response to the changes in the law and culture. While… read more
How to cover up a girly Marine cover.
The New York Post touched off a media firestorm two weeks ago with their headline Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats. Following the firestorm, there has been a concerted… read more
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