Don’t be the guy whose wife wanted more closet space.
This is one of the pettiest things I've seen all year 😂🤣😂 https://t.co/OQ1DWckRQQ pic.twitter.com/Laa8Bb8LFT — Malik Dilonga (@thattalldude93) May 6, 2018 One of the ways we deny the obvious truth… read more
The joke’s on him.
Yesterday my wife had an ad pop up on her phone selling women divorce. I wasn’t able to find the online version of the ad, but with some digging found… read more
Any day now she’ll see I’m the man for her!
Stephen Green at Instapundit linked to an article on nearly all house democrats sponsoring a transgender sports bill: HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS (CONT’D): 234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing… read more
Good news about abortion!
One aspect of the men’s sphere that greatly frustrates traditional conservatives is what they see as an unhealthy negativity about our new model of marriage. While the statistics they use… read more
No true Lancelot.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit very kindly linked* to my recent post Call me unchivalrous: THE RISE OF THE UNCHIVALROUS CHRISTIAN. “From the very beginning chivalry’s teaching on men and women… read more
John Zmirak is mostly right.
John Zmirak at The Stream writes in Tucker Carlson is Half Right that Carlson is right about the destruction of the family: Carlson’s central complaint is serious. The family is… read more
Tucker Carlson’s dangerous wedge.
Last week Tucker Carlson broke a carefully guarded conservative taboo and called out our elites for their role in destroying american families. Much of the reaction has been a predictable… read more
“Quality Time”
The Other McCain writes about the history of the term quality time in Living Well Is the Best Revenge: The cliché of “quality time” was invented by Baby Boomer yuppies… read more
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