Now get out there and reject passivity!
Complementarians have the problem of wanting to seem biblically traditional, while avoiding actually being so. The goal is to create something separate from formal feminism/egalitarianism, while avoiding offending feminist sensibilities. … read more
Complementarian soul essence.
Some readers of my recent series on the book Every Man’s Marriage may feel that I’ve unfairly lumped Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker in with complementarians. After all, their book… read more
Huge improvements! But don’t worry, nothing is changing.
The USMC puts on a clinic on how to lower standards to accommodate women while denying that anything is being done to accommodate women. From Infantry Officer Course lowers requirement for… read more
Sentence first; verdict afterwards.
SkylerWurden scoffed at my assertion that the 70 fold increase in RCC annulments in the US after the 1960s* represents a important shift in RCC thinking on the permanence of… read more
Drowning in a sea of smugness.
In response to Women hardest hit commenter Micha Elyi smugly explained that the RCC’s hard line on divorce puts Protestants to shame: Kind’a makes you think that King Henry VIII and… read more
Cross dressing snuck up in our blind spot.
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD… read more
Cowardly cisgendered men forcing heroic transgendered women to fight in their place.
Back on Oct 30th, the New York Times announced the latest setback for President Trump: Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops in Military The leadership of the complementarian Christian… read more
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