Missing the point is hard work.
Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) asks Are We Missing the Point of Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’? Wax took his family to the movie expecting it to teach them… read more
It must be exhausting.
A few weeks back Vox Day quoted the lyrics of “Let It Go”, the hit song from the Disney movie Frozen. I hadn’t heard the song before but I knew… read more
Cheapening seduction.
The Angry Therapist wants kids these days to get off his lawn*, and bang hos the right way. When you bang a ho, treat her like a lady: When I… read more
Hair shirts and chest thumping.
Conservative Christians are terrified. They are terrified of offending women, especially women in feminist rebellion. This creates a problem, because conservative Christians still want to condemn the outcome of feminism. … read more
A radical Father’s Day proposal.
Several weeks ago I outlined the way modern conservative Christian leaders avoid confronting feminism by pretending that something mysterious has happened to men. This is something that is easy to… read more
Will more sex save Spain?
News.com.au posted an article last week about Spain’s insane laws on parental obligations, titled Country where unemployed 30-year-olds are suing their parents for financial support: Under Spanish law, parents are… read more
Real Men Step Up to Fifty Shades of Rationalization.
There is a blog companion to FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey’s Stepping Up® book and video program, and it has a three part series by Scott Williams on Fifty Shades of Grey (50SOG). With the… read more
Unfit for a real relationship.
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs… read more
Denying the feminist rebellion.
Lutheran pastor Hans Fiene has a new post at The Federalist titled Why It’s Terrible News That Millennials Are Having Less Sex*. Fiene points out that the drop in promiscuity… read more
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