A cold calculation.
Child support is the answer to the question “How shall we replace the nuclear family”? This much is axiomatic, with the only question being how many nuclear families we want… read more
America is destroying the Hispanic family.
Usually when you see divorce rates broken out by race and ethnicity, the results look like the chart below, created with data from an NCFMR report on 2010 divorce rates:… read more
She didn’t stick the landing, and she won’t leave the floor.
When Eat Pray Love came out, it appeared that Elizabeth Gilbert had successfully navigated her way through steps 1-8 of having it all. But to succeed in this game of… read more
Why can’t women do pull ups? It’s a culture thing.
With the news coming out today that the sole remaining female Marine has dropped out of the Infantry Officer’s Course (CNN, Marine Corps Times*) it seems like a good time… read more
Why won’t the cisgendered serve?
As the CBMW has explained, the reason we opened combat roles up to women is because cowardly men were forcing women to serve in their place. Given today’s announcement by… read more
Don’t tell women no.
Recently Zippy Catholic noted how shocking it was to see how vehemently the pro life movement opposes holding women accountable, or even discussing the idea of holding women accountable: …just… read more
Why doesn’t this 28 year old manboy want to become respectable?
The Daily Mail has a new article about a 28 year old man who doesn’t want to grow up and start a family of his own. Instead, he chooses to… read more
Not in the picture.
The Daily Mail has a new article on the ten year anniversary of Eat Pray Love (EPL): Eat pray love (and walk out on your husband): It’s the bestseller that… read more
It isn’t insincerity, but fear of losing women’s approval.
Agnostic writes in The Pro-Life Movement (TM): Just another branch of victimhood feminism: Certainly if you believe that abortion is murder, then the pregnant woman is at least an accessory… read more
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