

  • Rabble rousers


    The Daily Mail has a new article by Peter Lloyd plugging his  book Stand by Your Manhood, and also referencing Dr. Helen’s Men on Strike. Why men refuse to marry:… read more

  • Effortless


    soulthirstjc puts on a clinic in Christian feminist reframing in response to Reframing Christian marriage part 2: rebelling wives aren’t to blame for their own rebellion. Research shows that husbands… read more

  • Custody of the heart.


    Several commenters on my post Chick porn asked why men’s mostly visual porn is seen as sinful while women’s mostly written porn is seen as something different.  I see two components to… read more

  • Chick porn


    In noticed this yesterday as number eight in the Kindle top 100 paid list Prick: A Stepbrother Romance.  The book description reads: I can’t stop thinking about that prick. Caulter Sterling is… read more

  • 50 SoG movie panned as too tame.


    The Daily Mail has a funny article bemoaning the 50 Shades of Grey movie as too tame.  Fifty Shades Of Grey is deemed so tame in France, children as young… read more

  • Yiayia and the empress’s new clothes


    3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they… read more

  • This means war.


    A reader recently asked for my thoughts on the upcoming Kendrick brothers movie “War Room”.  After doing some digging on the movie, my initial thought was of the line from the Tropic… read more

  • Turning a blind eye.


    As I explained in my last post, there are powerful incentives for Christian men to turn a blind eye to the sins of women.  As we saw previously, Glenn Stanton… read more

  • A year of ugly feminists


    In my first post of 2014 I introduced the topic of the ugly feminist.  As I explained at the time, this is an old charge but is typically aimed at… read more

  • Crazy cat lady logic


    I’ll be shutting down comments later in the day, but in the meantime enjoy (Courtesy of The Other McCain) the first rate feminist logic of Katy Kreitler in Sad Spinsters And Crazy Cat… read more