Dennis Rainey
How the Kendricks, Rainey, and Lepine see the married fathers they go to church with.
Family Life and the Kendrick brothers set out to make a movie to teach about biblical parenting. The title of the movie is Like Arrows, and they describe it at… read more
Real Men Step Up to Fifty Shades of Rationalization.
There is a blog companion to FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey’s Stepping Up® book and video program, and it has a three part series by Scott Williams on Fifty Shades of Grey (50SOG). With the… read more
Rainey understands his target audience.
When Dennis Rainey wants men to watch his man up videos, he turns to the complementarian head of the household, the wife. It is true that unlike their rivals (egalitarians),… read more
Raising an army of LARPers.
Think of the movies we like to watch. We want the fight. We want our lives to matter. We want to lay it down. We love Saving Private Ryan, everybody… read more
Step up, so they don’t have to (part 2).
As I explained in part one, men stepping up is a well loved refrain with complementarians and other conservative Christians. It is a brilliantly deceptive term, because the objective is… read more
When Dennis Rainey got it right.
I was poking around the FamilyLife site and saw that they have a section for staying married/commitment. In the first post on the list titled 5 Ways to Keep Your… read more
Is marriage just a piece of paper?
Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage. See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more
Denying the existence of feminism.
Women want to marry and have daddies for their babies. But if they can’t find good men to commit themselves to, well… Our most pressing social problem today is a… read more
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