Good news about abortion!
One aspect of the men’s sphere that greatly frustrates traditional conservatives is what they see as an unhealthy negativity about our new model of marriage. While the statistics they use… read more
John Zmirak is mostly right.
John Zmirak at The Stream writes in Tucker Carlson is Half Right that Carlson is right about the destruction of the family: Carlson’s central complaint is serious. The family is… read more
“Quality Time”
The Other McCain writes about the history of the term quality time in Living Well Is the Best Revenge: The cliché of “quality time” was invented by Baby Boomer yuppies… read more
First she wanted a wedding, then she wanted a divorce.
Her story would be cliché if her now ex husband wasn’t a pirate ghost. From People Magazine Woman Who Married 300-Year-Old Pirate Ghost Announces Their ‘Marriage Is Over’ Eventually, Teague… read more
She’s saving for her daughter’s special day.
Jenny Erikson’s colleague Wendy Robinson at Cafe Mom has created a savings account preparing for her daughter’s special day. No, not her wedding, her divorce: I’m so convinced that every… read more
US Marital Status Data Through 2017
I stumbled upon some new marital status data over at the US Census, and thought I’d share the charty goodness. First up is the median age of marriage, going back… read more
Do you smell that?
In The Death of Christian Britain Callum Brown explains that the evangelical narrative in Britain in from the 1800s until the collapse in the 1960s was that if a woman’s husband was… read more
Not enough cash and prizes.
The Telegraph has an article up about the impact of reduced cash incentives for women to divorce: Fewer wives are being awarded income for life and they are increasingly having… read more
She got the message.
Sarah Bregel has the credentials, but can she compete in this already crowded field? Sarah Bregel has joined a long list of mommy writers who converted their kids’ misfortune into… read more
It started with a whimper (a servant leader is born).
Bdash77 pointed me* to the book Every Man’s Marriage, an Every Man’s Guide to Winning the heart of a woman. This is the follow up book to the wildly popular… read more
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