Donald Trump
Trump and toxic masculinity.
The LA Review of Books has a hilarious article on toxic masculinity titled World War II’s Poisonous Masculine Legacy. The problem with World War II, according to the book, is… read more
Winning the arms race (made you look!)
In women’s online race to acquire beta orbiters and ensure that the maximum number of men know that their bodies are sexy, it is tough for a woman to stand… read more
Was CNN’s Jake Tapper talking about a *different* President-elect Trump?
On Tuesday of this week CNN published an article about what has since come to be known as peegate*. The most damning allegation repeated in the CNN article is that… read more
The unexpected challenge to modern Christian orthodoxy.
There is very often an honesty in secular media that is striking when compared with modern Christian teaching. Rare News reports on the ladies at the view discussing wives withholding… read more
That’s quite a nasty woman problem you have there.
Emma Lord at Bustle doesn’t want women to suffer in silence, so she is challenging women to speak up about their nasty woman problems. So, fellow women of the internet:… read more
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