

  • Not enough cash and prizes.

    Not enough cash and prizes.


    There is a new push under way for women who divorce to be rewarded with even greater amounts of cash and prizes.  Dr. Helen tackles this in Elizabeth Warren Wants… read more

  • Fatherless doublethink


    As everyone knows, women struggle greatly with commitment.  This is why the Christian blogger at Uplifting Love has offered a list of ten things Christian husbands can do to stave… read more

  • What about the fathers?


    Last year Kathryn Edin wrote in The Shriver Report about low income single fathers, in a piece titled What About the Fathers? She thought she knew all about these men,… read more

  • On cue


    As I explained in my last post, there is a form of doublethink involved with the topic of how families get broken up. When the discussion is how to hold… read more

  • Commitment issues


    Dr. Harley explains in Why Women Leave Men* that women have commitment issues: Why do women seem so dissatisfied with marriage? What do they want from their husbands? What bothers them… read more

  • Yiayia wouldn’t approve


    In Repackaging feminism as Christian wisdom I pointed out that our great grandmothers understood the nature of women’s temptation to sin.  What is fascinating is we know this, even though we have… read more

  • Doublethink


    From the UK based The Marriage Foundation publication Divorce rates have halved for new brides. Why?: Because it is almost entirely the reduction of wife-granted divorces concentrated into the early years of… read more