Dr. Denny Burk
Not that there’s anything wrong with that
To see where where the complementarian argument of Not heterosexuality but holiness is headed, see the 2015 article at The Gospel Coalition (TGC) titled Godliness Is Not Heterosexuality. In the article… read more
Not heterosexuality but holiness
As I’ve outlined my series on Loud and Proud Complementarians there is a striking connection between the complementarian movement and activism for conservative churches to accept homosexuality. In a nutshell,… read more
Warhorn interview: Male responsibility and female agency.
For context see this post. You can also see the whole series. This is I believe our longest exchange, and I’ll apologize in advance for any difficulty my readers have keeping… read more
Cowardly cisgendered men forcing heroic transgendered women to fight in their place.
Back on Oct 30th, the New York Times announced the latest setback for President Trump: Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops in Military The leadership of the complementarian Christian… read more
Straining out gnats.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. –1 Tim 2:12, KJV While researching for yesterday’s post I… read more
It is all about clarity.
Recently The Atlantic ran an article crowing about the feminist victory at the Southern Baptist Convention. Southern Baptists Embrace Gender-Inclusive Language in the Bible*: Last fall, the publishing arm of… read more
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