Dr. Helen
Doing rape hysteria right.
Freddie deBoer at The Week argues in What progressives don’t want to talk about in the Rolling Stone scandal*: A presumption of truth in every rape accusation is an impossible standard…. read more
Five years of keeping her happy proves David Swindle is a better man than you.
Dr Helen has been exchanging posts with PJ Media Associate Editor David Swindle about the famous sex excuse spreadsheet. Swindle expresses contempt for the frustrated husband whose wife made their private… read more
Limbaugh reacts to Dr. Helen’s Men On Strike.
Dr. Helen’s book Men On Strike continues to drive the conversation, especially among conservatives. Unlike Tucker Carlson’s who cares? Rush Limbaugh’s response was far more receptive. Rush plugged Dr. Helen’s… read more
Dr. Helen is disturbing the mound.
Fox News recently did a segment on Dr. Helen’s Men On Strike, and clearly Dr. Helen has hit a nerve. Dr. Helen wrote: [The] new world order is a place… read more
The Feminine Imperative Revisited
The Social Pathologist starts off on good footing in Marx and the Feminine Imperative when he writes: Now, I do think that the Feminine imperative holds true, especially for the avowed… read more
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