Dr. Paige Patterson
Mad Dog Chandler on Toxic Masculinity.
The #metoo era is dangerous because the rules of what is permissable are very quickly changing. This is especially dangerous for complementarians because complementarians earn their living in the margins… read more
Pastor Wilson discovers the secret meaning of 1 Cor 7.
Earlier this week Pastor Doug Wilson published a post titled: On a Wife Deciding to Leave Her Husband. What most readers likely won’t notice is that Wilson has created a truly… read more
What is off about Patterson’s “two black eyes” story?
Swanny River asks: So if I am understanding you and Dalrock correctly, that third story, and Patterson, are complex because Patterson may be lying? That sounds like a leading question,… read more
Women’s Studies, complementarian style
I shouldn’t have been surprised to learn that there is a Women’s Studies professor on the CBMW Council: Mary Kassian, M.C.A.O.T. Homemaker, Author, Women’s Ministry Consultant Edmonton, AB, Canada Distinguished… read more
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