Dr. Willard Harley
Not enough cash and prizes.
There is a new push under way for women who divorce to be rewarded with even greater amounts of cash and prizes. Dr. Helen tackles this in Elizabeth Warren Wants… read more
Commitment issues
Dr. Harley explains in Why Women Leave Men* that women have commitment issues: Why do women seem so dissatisfied with marriage? What do they want from their husbands? What bothers them… read more
Way ahead of you
Commenters pacguy and Jonadab-the-Rechabite both point out that by the definitions of abuse from Life Skills International and FotF wives are regularly abusing their husbands, and they are very often doing… read more
FotF and Dr. Hegstrom: Check your male privilege.
Screaming abuse is a brilliant feminist tool to keep husbands compliant because while there are some abusive men who mistreat women, feminists know they can appeal to men as a… read more
She lost her best friend.
On Saturday new commenter Constance left a heartbreaking comment on a post I wrote back in 2010: My ex husband and I had a mutual divorce 5 years ago and… read more
Don’t blame Heartiste for the equation of Alpha with virtue.
One of the more common complaints about Game is that its proponents challenge our modern value structure by equating sexual attractiveness with virtue in men. This is an especially common complaint… read more
Unhappy? Make your husband put a deposit into Dr. Harley’s Bank.
Commenter Trust asked if I would give my thoughts on a post by Willard F. Harley, Jr., Ph.D. titled When to call it quits (Part 1). Dr. Harley explains… read more
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