Duluth Model
Another case of Duluth working as designed.
Today’s example of Duluth working as designed comes courtesy of the Sonoma News. The focus of the story is on police brutality, but it is an excellent example of how… read more
Denying the feminist rebellion.
Lutheran pastor Hans Fiene has a new post at The Federalist titled Why It’s Terrible News That Millennials Are Having Less Sex*. Fiene points out that the drop in promiscuity… read more
Setting the record straight on Duluth.
I’ve quoted from the Duluth Model document Countering Confusion about the Duluth Model in several posts, and the more I look at it the more astounded I am as to… read more
The Duluth model is working as designed; you won’t smart mouth her again.
In the spirit of getting ready for the big game, my wife noticed that the Daily Mail has a piece up today quoting from a group of women on Facebook… read more
Pocket Envy
As I noted in Pocket Pouting, feminists accuse men of forcing women to buy clothes without pockets, or with insufficient pockets in size and/or number. This isn’t a new complaint,… read more
At least this story has a happy ending.
This man dodged a bullet. Some additional thoughts. Abuse is defined as anything and everything that makes a woman unhappy. Just because a woman is sweating you to get married,… read more
Hierarchy equals abuse.
As I’ve explained most recently in All roads lead to Duluth, the Duluth model has become by far the dominant paradigm for viewing domestic violence. This is essential to understand… read more
The root of the problem.
I stumbled across an old CBMW newsletter from 1995 (the year after VAWA was passed), and like the founding statement the influence of the Duluth model on complementarian thinking is… read more
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