The marriage marketplace connection to China’s ghost cities.
Way back in 2011 I wrote an off topic post on China’s ghost cities. With the current trade war with China I’ve been watching some youtube videos to try to… read more
John Zmirak is mostly right.
John Zmirak at The Stream writes in Tucker Carlson is Half Right that Carlson is right about the destruction of the family: Carlson’s central complaint is serious. The family is… read more
Our family policy is designed to terrify married fathers.
While the claim is that our family courts are primarily driven by the best interest of children, in reality they tend to focus instead on transferring power and wealth from… read more
Incentives matter.
The U.S. and our allies won the Cold War in part because we had a far superior economic system. The Soviets relied on a quota system enforced by threats of… read more
They’re back in your 20s where you left them.
Margaret Wente at the Globe and Mail* asks where all the good men have gone. Wente comes to the conclusion that women need a sex cartel: …it’s up to us… read more
UK Millennial men earning like women.
Lianna Brinded at Business Insider notes that weak men are screwing feminism up: The gender pay gap is narrowing for millennials — ‘but for the wrong reasons’ Millennial men have… read more
Feminist Atlantic waxes conservative.
The Atlantic has a love-hate relationship with men’s economic contributions. The magazine alternates between gloating that feminism has destroyed men’s economic status once and for all, and worrying that men… read more
The mysterious male marriage premium.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit explains why he left big law: …I looked at the partners and their lives and thought, “this is what it looks like when you win?” But… read more
Is it robolove or robolust?
The topic of sexbots is making the rounds again, and once again the question is how they fit with our new sexual morality. The last time this went around the… read more
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