The cheating hearts of the patriarchal cartel.
Following up on yesterday’s post, it is entirely possible that the employers of the patriarchy: Were legally permitted to discriminate against women. Were socially encouraged to do so. Stated that… read more
Better data/chart on the history of the wage gap.
As I noted in the discussion of the last post, the data I presented is from feminists. Specifically, Infoplease states that the source of the data I used for the… read more
How to close the gender pay gap once and for all.
Closing the gender pay gap is a national priority, but due to misunderstanding the problem we have failed to fully close it. The good news is we are already making… read more
More ominous than a strike.
Dr. Helen has a thoughtful post up asking if the title of her book is an accurate description of men’s response to the changes in the law and culture. While… read more
Why aren’t men responding to economic signals?
I think the greatest, most astonishing fact that I am aware of in social science right now is that women have been able to hear the labor market screaming out… read more
The economics of divorce theft and exploitation, and why we should repeal unilateral no fault divorce.
Divorce theft is a common term in the manosphere, but I have noticed that there is some skepticism amongst our feminist guests on this concept (who often use the term… read more
China’s ghost cities
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. –John Maynard Keynes Note: I’m very busy right now but should have a more substantial/on topic post up later in… read more
Why China has to buy US debt
Captain Capitalism linked to an article on CNBC the other day titled US Image in China Already Tarnished by Debt Fight. The basic premise of this article and countless others… read more
Sex Cartel!
grerp has an outstanding post titled More on Susan Walsh vs Friedman and Marcotte, where she describes the gradually changing landscape for women due to the sexual revolution: In 1965… read more
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