How The Perception Of Disgust Is Manipulated Over Time To Break The Human Spirit
Psychology matters. Just like politics, if you don’t care about it, someone else will take it over for you. Having at least some basic wisdom about how our own minds… read more
The Traditional West Is Man’s Best Civilization
Today, in some corners of our modern society, denigrating and diminishing the glories of traditional Western civilization has almost become a cultural past-time. Indeed, in academia, the media, and the… read more
Are There Too Many People On Earth?
Western birth rates have been falling below replacement rates since the 1970-1980s. For more than forty years, Westerners in general and Whites in particular failed to produce enough children to maintain… read more
What François De La Rochefoucauld Has To Teach Us About Cynicism
Is there any merit in taking a cynical view of life? Are the observations of cynicism realistic, brave observations on human nature, freed from sentimentality, or are they only the… read more
The Crippling Effect Of The Zero-Defect Mentality
At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. So I read it through one more time, just to make sure I wasn’t missing something. But I hadn’t missed anything. … read more
Life Goes On, Even In The Worst Disasters
I received an email last week from a young man who has been worried about the headlines in the news. He was wondering where all the daily diet of disasters,… read more
How Putting Women On A Pedestal Destroys Men’s Movements
The political left is a paradoxical amalgamation. They’ve built a tent which includes feminists who say that “gender roles” are a societal construct; transsexuals who believe that they were born… read more
How To Kill The Left’s Killswitch Lexicon
This is taken from the official policy guide for Staffordshire University’s Student Union: Fascism, racism, LGBTphobia, sexism and ableism are all strands of thought and oppression within society which seeks… read more
Why Do Feminists And Social Justice Warriors Use So Much Profanity?
Ever since I stumbled upon the manosphere several years ago, one of the things that struck a chord with me was how comparatively clean and civil the discourse was between… read more
How The Homosexual Takeover Of The West Was Predicted Forty Years Ago
One of the main practices men are encouraged to take up on this site is the nearly forgotten art of reading. While many will tell you that only non-fiction will… read more
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