How History Shows Us The Evil Of Western Masochism
In the wake of the Paris attacks, there is a rather frantic movement afoot in the Western media to whitewash anything about the attacks that might impugn the religion of Islam… read more
Greed Is A Corruptor
Pyrrhus was a powerful king who ruled Epirus and Macedon for some years during the Hellenistic period. Plutarch tells a revealing story about him in his Parallel Lives (Life of… read more
What Is It Like To Get Older?
One of the questions that I’ve been asked a lot these days is how one’s perceptions change about things as one gets older. A lot of younger guys in their… read more
An Afternoon With Mike During Men’s Month
Mike rounded the corner, passing a large billboard with a picture of four men–white, black, Asian, and Latino, all smiling. At the bottom of the sign, a state employment agency… read more
Speaking Out Against Injustice: The Case Of Jean Calas
France in the mid-eighteenth century was a nation with an official faith—Catholicism—which tolerated no rival. Huguenots (French Protestants) had faced nearly continuous persecution since the advent of the Reformation. Protestants… read more
Content Policies Are Another Symptom Of The Culture Wars
Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of ‘The Giver’: the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world… read more
Why Modern Men Must Become Aristocrats Of The Soul
If one were to compare the men of the traditional world to those of the modern world, certain differences in constitution would become readily apparent. While institutions and environment will… read more
How The Manosphere Is Filling A Void Left By Feminized Modern Churches
Religions, specifically Christianity has an interesting history and consequently an interesting evolution. Like all religions it originally started as the sole form of government. If a tribe got too big… read more
What Is The Next Step In The Drone Arms Race?
Field-tested in spy and kill missions in the vast deserts of the Middle East, drones of all shapes and sizes are soon to come back to mainland US and enter… read more
The Theory Of Evolution Does Not Apply To Modern Human Beings
I know your blood is already boiling from reading the headline above and that your intellectual self-defense mechanisms have been activated to refute all ideas you are about to encounter… read more
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