The Opposite Of Masculinity Is Stagnancy
A common dogma of the red pill is the idea that indifference, not hate, is the opposite of love. In a similar way, it is important to understand that the… read more
The Mind Of The Fanatic
The French philosopher Joseph de Maistre once perceptively commented: “I do not know what the heart of a rascal may be; I know what is in the heart of an… read more
Who Is Special, And Who Is Not: The Fluid Concepts Of Race, Gender, And Privilege
Recent news stories compel us to reflect on the interconnected themes of identity and privileged classes. The American media informs us that gender is a “fluid concept,” and that we… read more
Is Waterboarding Torture?
The topic of waterboarding is not a hot one right now, but it is a great example of today’s rampant emotionalism. Who is not harassed by human rights activists at… read more
The Baltimore Riots: Where The State Is The Insurgency
Things are moving pretty fast in Baltimore. Three weeks ago Baltimore was just another American city, bustling beneath the radar of national attention. Freddie Gray died in police custody on… read more
The Real Consequences Of Women In The Military
Just like every other bastion of tradition and masculinity, the military is under attack by the forces of progressivism. The military is by its very nature masculine, hierarchical, and undemocratic,… read more
The Trial Of Saddam Hussein
Joseph E. Persico’s excellent history of the Nuremberg trials, Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial (1994), expressed the hope that future generations would use Nuremberg as a benchmark for legal procedure and… read more
I Attended The 2015 White Nationalist AmRen Conference
I went to the American Renaissance white nationalist conference last weekend. I thought it would be interesting, since I have expressed Southern nationalist sentiments before. Personally I wasn’t particularly inspired at the… read more
Why Feminists Can’t Escape Motherhood
Of all the secrets and mysteries of the world, the roles of the two sexes in the act and upkeep of reproduction is remarkably simple by comparison to larger questions… read more
Coming Home From The War On Terror
I’m a former soldier and veteran of two foreign wars. After my military service I became a private military contractor. I’ve spent more than half of my adult life in… read more
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