Bad Things Happen When Women Lead And Men Follow
For the largest part of known human history, it has been men who have been the riders of civilization. The luminaries of the torch, the undying flame of kin, brotherhood,… read more
Material Success In Modern Times Measures Nothing
Many of us have lived our lives under the impressionable belief that success must always be at the hanging end of our every endeavor. Like a child that scurries back… read more
Invest In Your Sons
It wasn’t until my siblings and I were fully grown that I realized the necessity of investing in your sons. I come from a family of three children, with me being that… read more
The Academy Awards Reminds Me Again Why I Don’t Watch Movies
When was the last time I watched the Oscars? Probably never. I don’t know any of the movies, and the actors’ clothing is uninteresting to me. Do men watch the… read more
Feminism Comes Full Circle Into Embracing Aristotle’s “Natural Slavery”
“The woman follows the man. In her youth she follows her father and elder brother; when married, she follows her husband; when her husband is dead, she follows her son.”… read more
How To Recognize Meaningless Rhetoric From Masters Of Deception
Identifying and understanding the use of rhetoric is an excellent way to defend yourself against progressive poison. It is an equally good thing to apply against those who cannot be reasoned… read more
J.M. Coetzee: Yet Another Nobel Prize Winning Hypocrite
In 1948, the Boer government of South Africa enacted a policy called Apartheid. The main purpose of this policy was to segregate the population of South Africa along racial lines—keeping… read more
Why I Stopped Trying To Be A Hero To Women
When I was a young boy, I would spend my days daydreaming about wars and heroes, battles between good and evil. I imagined the whole world as black and white,… read more
My 3 Greatest Mistakes Writing For Return Of Kings
Failure can often be a greater teacher than success. Our most valuable learning experiences are often the ones that leave us looking like a fool. With that in mind, I offer the three greatest… read more
Reflections On Neo-Confederacy During A Visit To Ole Miss
My great uncle and aunt have a house in Oxford, Mississippi, and this fall they invited me to come for an Ole Miss game, since they were playing my team…. read more
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