Thoughts On The Nature Of Ingratitude
“…Whát I dó is me: for that I came.” —Hopkins Our needs, philosophers have long told us, are essentially negative in character, deriving from our natural state of lack. And,… read more
Red Pill Truths In Classical Conservative Thinkers
“Life blackens at the contact of truth.” —Paul Valery The red pill worldview is fundamentally the same as the classical conservative one. Each is skeptical of simple approaches to problems…. read more
Why I Dropped Out Of Law School
Like many men in my generation, I have a father who has consistently failed at life. His unsolicited advice is usually worthless dribble aimed at justifying his own terrible choices…. read more
Why The World Would Not Be A Better Place If Women Ruled
I recently saw a painting made by a feminist which depicted a career woman in a suit standing next to a man who I surmised was a construction worker from… read more
The Twilight Zone’s “The Hunt” Shows The Importance Of A Man’s Dog
The Hunt is a Twilight Zone episode from 1963. It is about an old man named Hyder Simpson and his old hound dog, Rip. The episode opens up with Hyder Simpson… read more
4 Reasons Why Aragorn Is A Great Man
The realm of novels, trilogies, and fandoms is something that is often considered strictly for geeks and nerds. While a lot of fantasy series have nothing much noteworthy of emulation,… read more
Feminists Campaign To Remove The “Man” From Our Language
Last week Elon University banned the use of the word “Freshmen” from its website and student orientation citing that the word was “sexist” and suggests that the young women might make… read more
The Virtue Of A Full Amphora
The humanist Bartolomeo Scala wrote a consolatory essay to Cosimo de Medici upon the death of Cosimo’s son Giovanni in 1463. The essay (Dialogus de consolatione) is presented in the… read more
Is Nostalgic Patriotism The Problem With Conservative America?
Patriotic, conservative Americans have had a rough few years. There is no question that progressivism has marched over traditional conservatism and caused so many to ask, “What happened to America?”… read more
“Down And Out In Paris And London” Is George Orwell’s Disappointing Exception
George Orwell is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. He was a soothsayer and a genius. Read Inside the Whale (a must read for all Orwell fans), Animal Farm,… read more
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