The Nature Of Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy almost never should be surprising. The only surprising thing about it occurs when people realize they themselves are guilty of it (as opposed to others), something they rarely do…. read more
People Oppose Anonymity Because They Can’t Think For Themselves
Feminists and social justice warriors hate online anonymity. In the recent months, there has been a deluge of articles arguing that the internet is rife with harassment because people can… read more
Few People Really Believe In Equality
Although most people claim to believe in equality, if we look closely we can see that they don’t take this belief as seriously as they say. We can also see… read more
The Value Of Being A Loner
“The vulgar, that is, indeed, all mankind, a few excepted.” –David Hume “The crowd is untruth.” –Soren Keirkegaard If you read the biographies of great philosophers from the days when… read more
Mutiny And The Ordeal Of Captain Bligh
Fortune both grants favor and revokes it. Plutarch, wise in the ways of such things, puts this prescient little speech into the mouth of Aemilius Paullus, who was addressing a… read more
Why Hasn’t Michael Moore Made An Obama Documentary?
I came of age during a time when a massive transition was taking place in how schools were run. I was six years old when the Columbine shooting first rocked… read more
Thanks To Progressivism, America Is No Country For Men
America certainly has come a long way in the past fifty or sixty years. Entitlement programs now soak up three quarters of the federal budget. Immigration policies have gone from… read more
Is It Enough To Make The Right Decisions, Or Must We Have The Right Reasons?
The life of man is his struggle with moral and philosophical problems. The art of living involves a thousand daily compromises, decisions, and judgments; we stumble through the darkness as… read more
The Apology That Will Never Be Delivered
I’m going to kick a dead horse and pound my chest a bit here. Elliot Rodger. If you’re sick from hearing about that guy I won’t blame you for clicking… read more
The Deadly Consequences Of Feminist Propaganda In The US Navy
Back in 1993, Congress lifted the ban restricting women from flying in combat and serving on various Navy vessels. If you’re saying to yourself, “That sounds convenient,” in light of… read more
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