Nothing Is Permanent
If we stop and observe those around us, we can see many unhappy people as we go through our daily lives. They fill a variety of archetypes, but a common… read more
The Greatest Physician In History
Greatness is more often the result of years of incremental, patient labor than it is the sudden phosphorescence of a single incident. Gradually but persistently, like the drips of water… read more
The Gift Of Information
Several generations ago, your great grandparents likely worked on a farm or in a dimly-lit urban factory after dropping out of school. They toiled doing menial labor for hours on… read more
Sunday In The Park
Although it was written decades ago, Bel Kaufmanâs Sunday in the Park remains just as relevant today, if not more so, to what it means to be a man. Her story… read more
The First Red Pill Symposium
Two months ago I accepted the invitation of my good friend Giannozzo Strozzi for a celebration of his forty-second birthday at his familyâs modest yet comfortable villa outside Spoleto, in… read more
Machiavelli’s Comic Side
Everyone knows Niccolo Machiavelliâs (1469-1527) status as a seminal political theorist, but few are also aware that he was a first-rate playwright and satirist. His play Mandragola (probably written around… read more
Are You A Traditional Conservative But Don’t Realize It?
The other week someone called me a “traditional conservative.” I had to look it up to see what exactly he meant. The Wikipedia page was a bit messy but it… read more
“No Law Can Be Sacred To Me But That Of My Nature”
Ralph Waldo Emerson was one of the more famous American philosophers of the 19th century. He strongly influenced Henry David Thoreau, whose Walden took the idea of self-reliance to the literal… read more
Shortness Of Life
This short essay by Seneca, a Roman philosopher who lived during the 1st century, surprisingly has a lot of advice that remains applicable today. He main argument is that nature… read more
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