Fabius Maximus
Expect more cats.
Larry Kummer writes in Captain Marvel – fun for kids, swill for adults The cat – “Goose” – is a major character in Captain Marvel. It’s a weird extraneous element… read more
Transcripts of Warhorn podcast.
A couple of other bloggers were kind enough to put together transcripts of the Warhorn podcast for those who don’t want to listen to the silliness but want to understand… read more
Where most see girl power, Larry Kummer sees Dalrock’s Law of Feminism.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. — Dalrock’s Law of Feminism… read more
The right has capitulated in the culture wars.
Larry Kummer of Fabius Maximus has a new post up today about a transgender Miss Universe contestant. Click through to see the details, but I’ll share this bit of his… read more
Weak men are screwing #MeToo up.
Dalrock’s Law of Feminism: Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. Via Larry… read more
Weak men really *are* screwing feminism up.
I have recently had the benefit of multiple email exchanges with Larry Kummer, Editor of the Fabius Maximus website. What follows is an edited version of one such exchange, with Larry’s gracious… read more
Fabius Maximus looks at post marriage America.
Larry Kummer at Fabius Maximus further explores the trend I described here in Becoming a post-marriage America: see the stories! Check out the excellent discussion at the bottom of Larry’s post as… read more
Good catch!
Larry Kummer, Editor of Fabius Maximus caught an example of Dalrock’s Law of Feminism that I had missed. Dalrock’s Law of Feminism: “Feminism is the assertion that men are evil… read more
How women’s calculus of marriage shapes America
Check out Fabius Maximus’ milestone post on the gender wars: See how women’s calculus of marriage shapes America The women of Generation X came as close as humanly possible to having… read more
Patriarchal packs (part 1)?
Larry Kummer continues his analysis of the war between the sexes at Fabius Maximus in his most recent post Men standing together can end the gender wars. Radical feminists have… read more
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