Why Men Need The Same Reproductive Rights As Women
In the West, when a couple finds out they are going to have a baby, they—or should I say she—have three options, keeping the baby, giving it up for adoption,… read more
Having A Child Gives You A Reason To Fight
We are in the midst of a gigantic crisis of identity. Every part of our particular identity has been reviled, torn apart, stolen from us. Instead we have a pseudo-humanism… read more
Ann Coulter Reveals That She Is Experiencing Pain As A Childless Woman
Most of the time, celebrities put up a false front. The image they want to project is that their lives are interesting, fulfilling, and involve stimulating relationships with other popular… read more
What It Was Like To Get A Divorce In Australia
One of the highlights of my day is avidly reading the articles on ROK and similar sites. Having recently been through the divorce wringer myself, I was interested to read… read more
There Are A Lot Of Mothers But Very Few Moms
A mother is simply a female who gives birth to a baby. A mom is a woman who gives birth and then puts the needs of her child before hers… read more
Victory For Fathers: Israeli Court Rules Both Parents Must Share Child Support With Joint Custody
As a divorced man, I have an ongoing burden. It is child support. I, like many of my divorced brothers, am the sole person responsible for my kid’s financial welfare…. read more
6 More Tips On Raising Your Daughters On The Red Pill
My last article made some noise over at Roosh’s and ROK (with this as the original reference). So I thought, with one of the comments on Roosh’s site encouraging me, that… read more
7 Tips For Arguing With Women
Arguments are inevitable within any relationship. There are many legitimate differences of opinion that need to be resolved. Just as obvious, there is the question of who dominates whom. Men… read more
How We Can Fix The Problem With Western Marriage
Marriage is intended to be a sacred bond between a man and a woman, preferably lasting a lifetime, and a stable platform for them to raise children. This institution dates… read more
How To Be A Good Father
At a time when many Western men don’t even want to be a father, it may be considered out of touch to discuss the importance of pursuing its excellence. Moreover,… read more
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