Doing as they were taught.
At Fabius Maximus commenter J Allen described the pathetic men he observes in the local grocery store: The other group were men who were following their wives (this group had… read more
“Look what he made me do!” as a murder defense.
Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear boundaries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. –Mary Kassian Fox News explains that a wife who shot and killed her husband… read more
What is the blue pill?
Blogger Bnonn recently took a catty swipe at this blog and the larger Christian men’s sphere in a sixteen part tweet. 1/16 There are lots of folks calling themselves red… read more
Whose job is it to keep mama happy?
We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: ‘I want something more than my husband and my children and my home.’ –Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique Women are… read more
How the Kendricks, Rainey, and Lepine see the married fathers they go to church with.
Family Life and the Kendrick brothers set out to make a movie to teach about biblical parenting. The title of the movie is Like Arrows, and they describe it at… read more
Man up and honor your father.
This is the fourth post in a series on the program Honor Your Father Today. If you want to read the first three posts, you can do so here: A… read more
Servant Leadership in two easy lessons.
Lesson 1: Your only job as a husband is to sacrifice yourself for her, not lead her. Don’t ever tell her what her role is or what to do. That… read more
Cucked by Courtly Love.
Cuckoo’s are diabolical parasites. The video below shows what happens after a cuckoo egg is laid in a Warbler’s nest. The cuckoo chick ejects the real offspring so it… read more
Real Men Step Up to Fifty Shades of Rationalization.
There is a blog companion to FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey’s Stepping Up® book and video program, and it has a three part series by Scott Williams on Fifty Shades of Grey (50SOG). With the… read more
Raising an army of LARPers.
Think of the movies we like to watch. We want the fight. We want our lives to matter. We want to lay it down. We love Saving Private Ryan, everybody… read more
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