The contagious nature of divorce.
I’ve linked to this study in the past, but I don’t recall anyone in the manosphere going through it. When a friend of my wife decided to divorce it prompted… read more
Reverse cuckoldry and court ordered allowances for adults living with their parents.
Captain Capitalism linked earlier this week to an infuriating story in the daily mail. The astonishing story begins in 1999 when the man was about to have drug treatment for… read more
Father’s Day gift ideas.
I know this is a bit early, but I also know that unlike men women tend to be impatient and shop for these kinds of things fairly early. ð More… read more
The cost of cuckoldry.
Last night my wife and I were watching a Forensic Files episode where a husband murdered his wife after she: 1) Decided to divorce him and take half of their… read more
Bad times to have children.
Looking through Ferdinand’s Link roundup I noticed Gorbachev has a post included titled Bad Times: It’s always terrible. Now is always the worst time. Actual worst times? ca. 1300-1200 B.C. General… read more
Newsflash: My marriage still doesn’t suck!
I stumbled on a post by Captain No Marriage recently which makes me think I have been remiss: Newsflash: Marriage Sucks ……Still! (crass site warning). It starts off describing a… read more
Misery and vice.
Thomas Robert Malthus is arguably the most misunderstood economist/philosopher of all time. His name today is synonymous with the antithesis of the point he was actually making; Malthus was not… read more
Raising Feral Females.
I was talking with a good friend of mine roughly a year ago about what I had been reading in the manosphere. At the time I hadn’t started blogging yet… read more
Earth needs dads.
Another one my wife caught. Coming soon to a theater near you, courtesy of Disney Pictures: Mars Needs Moms From the author’s website: Milo doesn’t get it: What’s the big… read more
Dads and trucks
The car my wife drives broke down earlier this week and as a result I’ve been driving our daughter to and from kindergarten with my truck. Not having both cars… read more
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