What we need is more moxie!
I took my daughter to fast food a few weeks back for lunch and to let her play in their play area. She had a blast in the play area,… read more
Apple Juice Boy
My wife had a coupon for IHOP a few weeks ago, so we decided to go have breakfast for lunch and invite my buddy along. While we were there another… read more
Mangineering with PVC.
Definition I submitted to Urban Dictionary. Will they post it? Note: I submitted the above definition as an alternative to the existing bitchy one. It has since been accepted and… read more
A Halloween Confession.
When our daughter was just over two years old my wife took her trick or treating for the first time. She was extremely cute in her pink leopard costume, and… read more
Brothers Grimm: Man up!
The two previous Brothers Grimm tales we have explored had young women as main characters and stressed the importance of hard work and humility. Today’s tale is titled The youth… read more
More wisdom of a 5 year old.
We don’t hit our husbands! Said to an older woman at the Greek food festival who had just slapped her husband. The woman was quite startled to learn this. Girls… read more
Girl power!
The other day our daughter came home from kindergarten asking about girl power. Evidently the girls in her class have been talking about it, and she wanted to know what… read more
When do I get to start having fun?
Our daughter stayed home sick yesterday and was talking with my wife. Somewhat out of the blue she asked When do I get to start having fun? Not sure of… read more
Shopping makes you feel good.
Yesterday evening I took the family to Oktoberfest over in Addison. Last year when we went our daughter wore the dirndl her mother wore when she was 6 or 7… read more
Flyer sent home with our kindergartner.
A while back Christian blogger Terry Breathing Grace was kind enough to write a post on Does Your Church Measure Divorce. Overall the reception was positive but I would also… read more
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