Cowboy boots and camo pants.
I’m not a big country music fan. I do like some of it but this is probably best classified as country even people who don’t like country like. So if… read more
The wisdom of a 5 year old.
You would have more friends if you weren’t so bitchy. Said by my 5 year old daughter to the girl at the McDonalds playground asking why none of the kids… read more
Daddy, I’m a hooker!
Ok, that isn’t exactly what my 5 year old daughter said to me, but it is very close. Before I give the exact quote though, I should share a little… read more
How to field strip a baby.
Field stripping a baby is really no big deal. It doesn’t require any special tools (no disrespect to the great John Browning), and the cleaning patches are pre soaked with… read more
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