Hollywood’s hero can’t save the day
IBB linked to an interesting article by Megan McArdle on Bloomberg View: How Hollywood Can Save Our Families. McArdle points out the enormous disadvantage broken homes create for children and… read more
If it was a snake, it would have bitten them.
CNN Money has a new article up claiming that men with children magically earn more than childless men (H/T Sunshine Mary): It pays to be a dad Dads had a… read more
Slow your roll
A little over 400 comments into the discussion of Radio Silence and Dread, a blogger by the handle Prov Erbs asked: Please help Dalrock or anyone else! What does Christian… read more
When Dennis Rainey got it right.
I was poking around the FamilyLife site and saw that they have a section for staying married/commitment. In the first post on the list titled 5 Ways to Keep Your… read more
Blind spot
Note: I greatly appreciate the work the National Marriage Project is doing, especially in putting out easy to read and meaningful data in their State Of Our Unions reports. In addition,… read more
These fathers need a wake-up call.
Christian movie makers are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the popular culture destroys the family. Why can’t they get in on the action too? See Cane Caldo’s expert… read more
Father Hood
Commenter AlanB at Gucci Little Piggy describes the ghetto version of what I outlined in Intrasexual Competition and the Strong Independent Woman. The following are excerpts from the first of several… read more
Winning the lottery.
A new commenter grossly misunderstood the implication of the earnings chart in my post Progress: One counter point to consider: with married men making considerably more money than unmarried in… read more
Child support and the threat point.
In the discussion of a recent post the history of the term “threat point” came up. While I’ve used the term and explained how the family courts are being deliberately… read more
Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?
Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they… read more
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