Is Europe proof that intact families don’t really matter?
Introverted Playboy made the following statement over at Just Four Guys as part of a larger argument that marriage no longer matters: European countries today have even lower marriage rates than the US…. read more
Asking the wrong question.
Dr. Helen links to a blog post by Neo-Neocon titled: Should men* be allowed to opt out of child support? As one of the commenters on Dr. Helen’s site points… read more
What a masculine imperative would look like
Vox points out the feminine imperative in action in his post Regulating sex: Women desperate to become mothers are increasingly signing up for sperm donation websites where men are offering… read more
Why aren’t men responding to economic signals?
I think the greatest, most astonishing fact that I am aware of in social science right now is that women have been able to hear the labor market screaming out… read more
Aren’t you sure?
Cane Caldo discusses the issue of mandatory paternity testing in his post Paternity and Bats in Oz. Given the controversy around mandatory paternity testing I propose what should be an… read more
Let them eat cake.
Let them pay child support. There is at the very least much controversy regarding who (if anyone) actually said the famous line attributed to Marie Antoinette. However, regardless of the… read more
Custody Demographics
I was curious about the demographics of family structure so I put together some more charts from the same data set as the last post. I’ve created two charts for… read more
Children are as likely to end up living with neither parent as they are with just their father.
The Census has the 2012 Families and Living Arrangements data out so I pulled a copy of Table C3. Here is the latest data on the living arrangements of children… read more
An adaptive strategy for furthering the family line.
Some have noted that fathers have begun treating their daughters as if they were sons, as this US Army commercial demonstrates: However, a more rational approach would be to decide… read more
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