Amazon Has Banned 9 Of My Books Without Explanation (UPDATE)
Starting on Friday, September 7, Amazon has gone on a rampage and banned the paperback and Kindle editions of nine of my books, including my new release Game. The sales… read more
3 Things I Learned About Modern Women From Watching ‘Sex And The City’
I had a lazy week last week. It’s winter where I live, and I had a pretty bad flu. For the first time in a long time, I watched TV. Two… read more
25 Special Privileges Women Have Over Men—And Yet They Still Complain Like Spoiled Children
Feminists claim they want equality. However, their true focus is maximizing their “empowerment” while constraining men as much as possible. They complain endlessly about The Patriarchy to push their agenda… read more
7 Reasons Why American Men No Longer Pursue Their Women
Baby boomers like to bash them for not “being man enough” to get married and have kids, but common sense will reveal that the “perks” and “benefits” of marriage in… read more
The Ludicrous Idealization Of Female Action Heroes
Here’s a chicken or egg question for you: what came first, Hollywood’s decision to depict female action heroes that outclass their male counterparts or men’s inclination to believe women can… read more
My Wife Left Me Because She Wanted To Party And Be “Free”
Females are the more malleable gender. Whether they crave a strongman type to drill a worldview into them or they soak it in over time and proximity, they will tend… read more
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