Feminine Imperative
Feminism would work if we didn’t have weak men screwing everything up.
Beta orbiting blogger James Russell Lingerfelt’s latest post is a republication of a post by Roger Sterling Jr titled 5 benefits of having a smart and successful wife. Sterling was deeply… read more
The elevation of romantic love and the wisdom of a beta orbiter.
Since my last post I’ve poked around a bit on James Russell Lingerfelt’s blog love story from the male perspective. The title of the blog itself gives a great deal away,… read more
Option A or option B?
When preparing for my last post I came across an interview of Kate Bolick by Edith Zimmerman at The Hairpin: Kate Bolick on Refusing to Settle (Part One). Zimmerman describes two options… read more
Intrasexual Competition and the Strong Independent Woman.
When we talk in the sphere about what motivates women we focus heavily on the “tingle”, or sexual attraction. There is good reason for this, and nearly all men need… read more
What is the domestic violence industry really about?
The Daily Beast has an article by Philip W. Cook titled In Cases of Domestic Violence, Men Are Also Victims (H/T Dr. Helen). Cook explains that despite the perception crafted by domestic… read more
She was used!
Right in line with my last post, tabloid magazine In Touch and the Christian Post decry Kanye West’s failure to marry two time divorcée and soon to be baby mama… read more
What a masculine imperative would look like
Vox points out the feminine imperative in action in his post Regulating sex: Women desperate to become mothers are increasingly signing up for sperm donation websites where men are offering… read more
Vox explains Dalrock’s Law
Vox Day explains a key reason behind Dalrock’s Law in his post Alpha Male: the magic preference (emphasis mine): Read between the lines. All women should try it at least… read more
But we were in love!
As I mentioned in Lovestruck, once you recognize the modern inversion of the moral relationship between romantic love, sex, and marriage you will begin to see this everywhere. A while… read more
The American Conservative has an article by Rod Dreher discussing gay marriage titled Sex After Christianity (H/T Masson). Dreher asks: is sex the linchpin of Christian cultural order? Is it… read more
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