Feminine Imperative
Single mothers and the failure of Christian men; it is time to Man Up!
I pointed out in Light years closer to God that Christian men are failing women, and the primary failure is their unwillingness to confront the mass feminist rebellion. As a man calling… read more
Light years closer to God.
One of the Dallas/Fort Worth megachurches has a web page called The Man Site. They offer what they call mansources: Be a Better Man Looking for some resources to help… read more
The morality of marriage 2.0
I commit to you! Now I commit to you! Now I commit to you! “Clue” on Yahoo Answers asks: Is it considered cheating if I divorce my husband to date… read more
A proper dressing down for unchivalrous men.
Somewhere in the world a woman is upset! What are you as lazy men doing to fix this? Sorry for being so harsh, but you men need to hear this. … read more
Rebuilding the mound
Once you understand the nature of the fire ant colony you can provoke them in relative safety. The fierce response to any disturbance of the mound is entirely predictable. The… read more
The Feminine Imperative Revisited
The Social Pathologist starts off on good footing in Marx and the Feminine Imperative when he writes: Now, I do think that the Feminine imperative holds true, especially for the avowed… read more
How Fireproof lowers the boom.
Several commenters to my post Lowering the boom asked if I could elaborate on my statement that what Joel and Kathy were describing was actually the plot of the movie Fireproof. … read more
Feral love
Sex is for love! — Vince Vaughn’s character lecturing his slutty daughter in The Watch The modern elevation of unconstrained romantic love to something pure, transcendental, wise, and moral is… read more
How the feminine imperative “just happens”.
Sunshine Mary has been digging into the feminine imperative, trying to understand the mechanics of it. In challenging the concept she is doing the sphere a favor by forcing a… read more
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