Feminine Imperative
Mistaking fecklessness for wisdom
Commenter Arual recently pointed out this bit of airy feminine wisdom: Some People Can Stay In Your Heart But Not In Your Life As she spoke, the sadness was audible… read more
“The one” vs “my one and only”
One of the more toxic ideas in our culture is the idea of “the one”. This concept is the foundation for women’s sacred path to marriage; once a woman finds… read more
Biblical vs Churchian Sex in Marriage (and why Christians need Game)
Rollo from Rational Male found the youtube series by Pastor Craig Groeschel of LifeChurch.tv and was kind enough to bring it to my attention. I haven’t looked at the whole series,… read more
It’s a feature, not a bug.
Redditer simplecosine was kind enough to link to my post Threatpoint where I stated: ..divorce reform is all about redistributing power from the husband who wants to honor the marriage… read more
Beauty taming the savage beast.
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from… read more
Women’s sacred path to marriage is in danger.
Women crave the commitment of lifelong marriage and will naturally seek it out and hold their marriages together so long as they aren’t tricked into marrying the wrong man. Young… read more
Dr. Phil enforcing the feminine imperative.
Now that almost all Christians have abandoned the Biblical frame of sexual morality nearly everyone has unknowingly filled the void with what Rollo calls the feminine imperative. The new rules… read more
The ubiquitous frame of hypergamy.
In his latest post The Abdication Imperative Rollo explains how the subconscious programming of women defines our post feminist culture. In direct contrast to conventional wisdom (but in perfect alignment… read more
The quest for a kinder, gentler carousel
This is one meme which simply will not die. On a logical level it makes no sense; why does nearly everyone feel so strongly that the carousel should be a… read more
Promiscuity is good, so long as it is done on the woman’s terms.
I’ve touched on this basic issue before, but it strikes me as important enough to create a separate post on it. One of the more bizarre beliefs of our time… read more
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