Feminist Territory Marking
I’m with Wade Burleson on this one.
Egalitarian pastor Wade Burleson anticipates that the SBC will capitulate on the topic of women preaching: Within a decade or two, what I say the authoritative Scriptures teach about gender… read more
Complementarianism on women in the military.
Biblical complementarity is not fundamentally about what opportunities women must forgo, but what responsibilities men must take up. — Dr. Jason K. Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary As… read more
Courtesy of Instapundit, Jim Treacher explains that Some Critics Like Captain Marvel, and Some Critics Hate Women: I mean, did these morons see the same Captain Marvel I saw? (No,… read more
Revisiting the subject of women and the draft.
The recent court ruling on women and selective service caused me to revisit my 2015 post on the subject, The fantasy of drafting women: We may see selective service changed… read more
She’s paving the way for the trailblazers.
It is funny to think that if feminism is successful, newspapers will be printing quotes like the one below a hundred years from now (and two hundred, etc). From the… read more
Grill envy
Since feminists are obsessed with invading all male spaces, it isn’t surprising that men grilling is a source of feminist envy. Back in 2015 Jacob Brogan confessed his manly transgression… read more
Where most see girl power, Larry Kummer sees Dalrock’s Law of Feminism.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. — Dalrock’s Law of Feminism… read more
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