Feminist Territory Marking
She joined the feminist brotherhood.
The Seattle Times has a new article up today about a girl playing high school football: A battle for respect, then in the trenches: For Newport’s Jenna Martz, football is… read more
Chivalry was re-purposed by women, for women.
Reader ‘Reality’ Doug writes (emphasis mine): Dalrock, very educational. Your thesis may be no less irrefutable than Alex Jones’ certain theory, but your ‘evidence’ from the lips of a woman… read more
How can men help girls see her and be her?
Back in June of 2016 The Association of National Advertisers and its Alliance for Family Entertainment launched an initiative titled #SeeHer, to boost girls’ self esteem by making sure women are portrayed… read more
You can’t argue with the boy.
Somewhere in Texas, on a Dalrock family road trip, my wife and children were having breakfast at the motel breakfast bar while I caught a few extra minutes of sleep. … read more
Raising her right
Football is clearly one of the main areas of focus in feminist mopping up activities. It was one of the final socially acceptable male spaces, so it is only natural… read more
They’re her bros.
Cane Caldo shared a video from a local newscast: Notice how this story demonstrates the two primal feminist desires that work cross purpose: Be (like) one of the guys (experience… read more
What happened to our men that our women are forced to have such big dicks?
As I noted the other day, the latest incarnation of ugly feminism is women claiming to have dicks. The BBC has jumped on this trend with an article titled Big… read more
Who cares that Misty has a bigger dick than Colleen?
I watched part of the first episode of the new season of Luke Cage the other day. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing were in the lead up to the obligatory… read more
Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.
From 5 Father’s Day Gifts for the Kick-Ass Single Mom in Your Life (emphasis mine): Father’s Day is just around the corner, so the internet is rife with gift guides and ideas… read more
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