Feminist Territory Marking
It would be unchivalrous to tell her no.
Pastor Tim Bayly shares a youtube video put out by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in his post Try Saying “No.” I Dare You… Note that the woman speaking… read more
Go ahead; try to make this stuff up.
I dare you. From Profs say female STEM grades don’t reflect ‘perceived effort’: Based on surveys of 828 STEM students, the professors conclude that female students believe they work harder than… read more
He’s a bully.
The British tabloids are out for blood after a video surfaced of an army bayonet instructor yelling at a female recruit. The headline in the Sun reads: Bully army corporal… read more
I propose a soon-to-be coveted moxie badge.
The Chicago Tribune/AP has a new article up titled: With girls joining the ranks, Boy Scouts plan a name change. Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh explains that moving forward there… read more
Visible in absence.
As I’ve noted before chivalry is the mechanism that turns feminism (women’s complaints) into action. This is at times hard to observe because chivalry is most men’s default condition in… read more
Winning the arms race (made you look!)
In women’s online race to acquire beta orbiters and ensure that the maximum number of men know that their bodies are sexy, it is tough for a woman to stand… read more
They built the airstrip, but no cargo appeared.
Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos are once again in the news*: Theranos CEO and former president charged with massive fraud The interesting thing is that while a settlement has been reached,… read more
Huge improvements! But don’t worry, nothing is changing.
The USMC puts on a clinic on how to lower standards to accommodate women while denying that anything is being done to accommodate women. From Infantry Officer Course lowers requirement for… read more
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