Feminist Territory Marking
Onward feminist progress!
Vanessa Friedman of the New York Times is ecstatic, convinced that the new Pirelli calendar featuring 12 months of feminists is a sign that we are finally creating a New… read more
Glorious Feminist Progress!
Cane Caldo argues in The War Conservatives Never Knew They Lost: It would be more true to say that those we call Liberals were fighting to occupy Conservatism, and that’s… read more
The ugly feminist secret weapon.
Feminist Allison Hope reveals her secret weapon at XO Jane (archive): …I had cracked the code on women’s dominance. It was invisible but had been there all along. Ladies, we… read more
They can’t experience manly pride, so neither can men…
When I first saw the story making the rounds about ROTC cadets being forced to march in women’s shoes I thought it was a hoax. But I see that the… read more
Confusing make-believe with reality; why feminists obsess over Barbie.
The feminist obsession with Barbie dolls seems odd at first glance. Whether it is their compulsion to create ugly feminist Barbie or Computer Engineer Barbie, we see a great deal of focus on… read more
Explaining the compulsion.
Commenter InnocentBystanderBoston asks why feminists are so intent on marking video games as feminine: I don’t understand why feminist women want to be part of the world of “gaming.” It… read more
How to cover up a girly Marine cover.
The New York Post touched off a media firestorm two weeks ago with their headline Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats. Following the firestorm, there has been a concerted… read more
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