An earnest defense of John MacArthur’s chivalry.
French poets, in the eleventh century, discovered or invented, or were the first to express, that romantic species of passion which English poets were still writing about in the nineteenth…. read more
It would be petty to point out how petty they are.
New Monopoly Game Gives Women More Money Than Men read more
Proverbs 31 princesses
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And calling to him a child, he put him in… read more
A dangerous truth.
The Institute for Family Studies has an essay by Professor W. Bradford Wilcox, titled Marriage Facilitates Responsible Fatherhood. According to the editor’s note the essay is an abbreviated version of… read more
What are fathers for?
Several commenters have noted the troubling image featured at the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (fatherhood.gov): I’m going to partially defend the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC), as we (as a… read more
A promise not to disrupt the status quo
Ken Harrison, CEO and chairman of Promise Keepers, explains that the collapse of marriage in our feminist age is due to the failings of men in When Men Mess Up, Women… read more
Sex sells.
Instapundit has a link up to a Bablylon Bee piece about the “pay gap” for women’s soccer. One common refrain in the comments is that women’s soccer has a smaller… read more
Discontentment is both the input and the output of feminism.
Larry Kummer writes in Feminism has given us successful girls and broken girls: Summary: I have two grown boys. The most frequent comment I get from parents who have daughters:… read more
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