Chick logic.
Professor Patricia O’Brien argues at The Washington Post that women shouldn’t be incarcerated because it isn’t fair that men are more likely to go to prison than women. From We should… read more
Glenn Reynolds teaches women not to rape.
Several commenters have taken me to task for the ostensible naivety of the title of my post Teach women not to lie about rape. For those who didn’t understand the title, feminists have… read more
Teach women not to lie about rape.
Policemag.com has story about a woman who claimed a New Mexico police officer sexually assaulted her when he arrested her for a DUI. Fortunately for the officer he was wearing a… read more
Explaining the compulsion.
Commenter InnocentBystanderBoston asks why feminists are so intent on marking video games as feminine: I don’t understand why feminist women want to be part of the world of “gaming.” It… read more
Trading places.
Elissa Strauss at The Week is distressed by a recent Chanel No. 5 extended commercial. Strauss is troubled that “having it all” has gone terribly wrong. In the commercial the… read more
The Sexual Revolution’s Arab Spring.
There is a naive celebration by many conservatives of California’s new Yes Means Yes law. The theory is that unleashing a feminist jihad of false rape punishment will somehow end the… read more
How “Yes Means Yes” fuels the hookup culture.
Commenter theasdgamer asked how Yes Means Yes is intended to grease the skids of hookup culture for women. This is a crucial question, because conservatives are tempted to assume the… read more
Making the world safe for foolish promiscuous women.
I stumbled on a recent piece by Ezra Klein at Vox titled “Yes Means Yes” is a terrible law, and I completely support it. It is a remarkably frank discussion… read more
A woman’s work is never done.
The indignities of marriage never stop piling up for feminists. On top of being trapped in boring drudgery, Kelsey McKinney explains at Vox (the other Vox) that Obama’s latest bit of… read more
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